Film Works shares the breakdown of a recent feature's budget

Posted on Thursday, September 1, 2011

93 Days and $20.2 Million: The Economic Impact of One Film

Earlier this month, the people behind Film WorksL.A. decided to take a look at what local businesses in Los Angeles California stand to lose when a single motion picture chooses to film outside the region.

Thanks to the generosity of one major studio (which asked to remain nameless), Film Works secured the following top-level expense breakdown for a major motion picture filmed on-location in Los Angeles.

From September to November 2009, the picture in question spent a total of 93 days on location and hired 43 cast members, 924 crew members,  and nearly 1,000 extras (in working  days).

Total production spending came to a $20,210,176.  For confidentiality reasons, we have to withhold the name of the film, but it is still interesting seeing where the project’s budget was spent:

Hotel room days: 213


Car rental days: 655


Catering, bakery goods & other food items


Hardware & lumber supplies


Secretarial personnel, equipment (Xerox, phones etc)


Local wardrobe purchased


Dry cleaning




Location fees public


Location fees private


City, county and other governmental permit fees


Off-duty personnel (police, fire etc)


Local extras hired


Local security hired


Per Diem payments


Local hires (carpenters, electricians etc.)


Other rentals


Other purchases:




Clearly, the economic impact of even one film ripples throughout the California economy.  The next time you see a shoot taking place in your community, take a minute to appreciate how well Film Works for California.

Then, consider joining Film Works L.A. to help us educate Angelenos about the importance of filming to our region.