Cinematographers celebrate a year of excellent images

Posted on Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Deakins Takes Top Honors At ASC Awards

Foregoing the standard celebrity or comic host, the ASC awards were mc'ed by member Bill Bennett, who kicked off the evening with a series of unconventional award acceptance speech rules.

"Plan your path to the podium; there's no need to recreate the cabana scene from 'Good Fellas.' And if your thank you speech starts from conception, you get a time out," said Bennett, pointing to an empty chair placed in the center of the stage.

No time outs were needed by gracious and overwhelmed Bradford Lipson, who's work on "Wilfred" earned the award for Episodic Series Half Hour. Thanking the ASC Voters for appreciating his work on the series, Lipson then addressed the crowd.

"I was a gaffer for many of you here tonight. I would like to thank you all for your help and support over the years."

Rodney Charters received the Career Achievement Award for his work in Television. Charters reflected on his earlier work that was shot in film, including the first few seasons of "24." Although he's gone completely digital, declairing "I haven't opened the door of an XL since," he encouraged the new generation of cinematographers to not only have the experience shooting on film, but understand the difference between the two formats.

The evening was sparked with many more highlights, including a tie in the a tie in the category of Television Episodic Series (One Hour) between Balazs Boylygo for his work on "Mort" and Kramer Morgenthau for his work on "Game of Ghrones." Angelina Jolie also paid a visit to the festivities to present her collaborator on "In The Land of Milk and Honey" cinematographer Dean Semler the ASC Lifetime Achievement Award in Film.

Below is a complete list of the ASC Award winners:

FEATURE FILM: Roger Deakins, ASC, BSC - "Skyfall"

TELEVISION MOVIE/MINISERIES Florian Hoffmeister - "Great Expectations"

TELEVISION EPISODIC SERIES (ONE HOUR) TIE Balazs Bolygo, HSC - Hunted (“Mort”) Kramer Morgenthau, ASC - Game of Thrones (“The North Remembers”)

TELEVISION EPISODIC SERIES (HALF HOUR) Bradford Lipson - Wilfred (“Truth”)

ASC Lifetime Achievement Award Dean Semler, ASC, ACS

ASC International Achievement Award Robby Müller, NSC, BVK

ASC Career Achievement in Television Award Rodney Charters, ASC, CSC