Promotional campaign ramps up through billboards and banners

Posted on Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Film Works Advertising Works The Streets

Film Works staff has been busy in the last few weeks, and local commuters are starting to see many visual reminders of the impact of "reel jobs" on the Los Angeles region.  Our outdoor advertising campaign is now in full swing.  Perhaps you've seen one of our many posters, billboards or pole banners in your neighborhood.

Earlier in the year, Film Works hung five print billboards and got added to the rotation on more than a dozen digital billboard screens thanks to CBS Outdoor and ClearChannel Outdoor.  We then rolled out roughly 400 large posters, which are currently on display at bus stops and public information kiosks throughout the region, courtesy of CBS/Decaux.

But now, we're adding some new media to the mix.  On May 1, 2011, Film Works finished installing approximately 200 street pole banners in and near communities that regularly host on-location filming.  And this month, a new arrangement with Lamar Advertising Company is putting Film Works up on 300 smaller billboards.

Why is all of this visibility important?  Because the film industry is even more important and the goal of the Film Works campaign is to keep it strong and keep it local.

Consider: there are more than 6,600 business establishments in California that service the film and television industry, which is triple the roughly 2,000 Starbucks locations in the state.  Combined, these entertainment businesses employ over 212,000 Californians.  In 2008, the most recent year for which data is available, California industry workers earned a whopping $16.7 billion in wages, much of which went on to find its way back into California’s cash-strapped economy.

So please, take action today to show your support for Film Works and the jobs our industry creates in greater Los Angeles.  Become a supporter on Facebook, hang a Film Works window signs at your place of business, and start telling people at the businesses you frequent why local filming is important to you.

Together, we can start to change minds about the industry and its importance to Los Angeles.

To learn more about Film Works, please visit: