Insites from top studio excutives on sustainable production

Posted on Tuesday, July 3, 2012

From The PGA Green Website: Greening Screens At Produced By 2012

20,000 plastic water bottles. That’s what 20th Century Fox lot employees were using per month, according to a study performed by their Sustainability department a few years ago. Per month! If you include all the people working on productions on the lot, that number goes up to 70,000.

That’s one of the shocking and informative statistics I learned during an eco-panel session over the weekend at the 4th annual Producers Guild of America’s  Produced By Conference on the Sony Pictures lot in Culver City, CA. Don’t worry, there’s a happy ending to the water bottle story, which I’ll get to later.

At the conference, the “PGA Green” Initiative pulls together many of..

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