From the pages of PGA Green

Posted on Friday, November 2, 2012

Rush Producer Goes Green


Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Michael Shannon star in the action thriller PREMIUM RUSH, released this summer by Sony Pictures Entertainment, was an action thriller staring Joseph Gordon-Levitt.  "Action thriller"? Doesn’t sound like the perfect opportunity to produce a green movie, with reduced carbon emissions and environmental impacts. But executive producer Mari Jo Winkler saw it differently.

"It was one of my best experiences in sustainable production," says Winkler. Coming from this veteran green producer, that’s saying a great deal. She was one of the pioneers of the green production movement, with her sustainability efforts on the Sam Mendes movie AWAY WE GO and the Doug Liman film FAIR GAME, among others.

"Greening film sets has been a way of life for me since 2004," says Winkler. "It wasn't an option to not work sustainably. Given that the central character of PREMIUM RUSH is a bicycle messenger, and much of the movie takes place on a bike on the streets of New York, there was a built-in low-carbon theme. I knew from the first read of the script that there was a huge opportunity to promote sustainability through and through."


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